[A timely finding is that disclosed in “Returns to Investment in Education: A global Update”, in which George Psacharopoulos says:
The Children International Sponsorship News (Summer, ’99) gives the full citation.]
*Opportunities to spread the word and involve others’ thinking.
*Computer models designed to evolve improved solutions.
*Off-line home computers (individuals donate the time, phone & electricity costs–grants from phone co?)
*A Facebook page and weblog to facilitate the worldwide conversation.
Systems to study:
*Human psychology and memory characteristics (Note: as in people’s memory of the assassination of U.S. President John F. Kennedy), and how errors in memory and judgment occur and can be corrected for.
*Comprehensive (and self-evolving) computer models. Example:
From, 11/18/12:
A NASA-funded study says climate models that project the greatest rise in global temperatures this century are likely to be more accurate than those indicating less warming. Researchers at the Colorado-basedNationalCenterfor Atmospheric Research analyzed how well 16 of the leading climate models were able to verify relative humidity in the tropics and subtropics in recent years.
They found that the models that most accurately predicted the atmospheric moisture and its associated cloud cover also predict the greatest warming in the future.
“There is a striking relationship between how well climate models simulate relative humidity in key areas and how much warming they show in response to increasing carbon dioxide,” said NCAR scientist John Fasullo.
“Given how fundamental these processes are to clouds and the overall global climate, our findings indicate that warming is likely to be on the high side of current projections.”
The findings, published in the journal Science, could narrow the range of global warming expected in coming decades and beyond, the researchers said.
That means government and private institutions could be better prepared to cope with the resulting floods, droughts, sea level rises and fiercer storms likely to accompany the global warming.
*It can be mathematically proven that a cooperative solution is better than an individual solution.
*The Dalai Lama says (2nd article, 9/11/99—Honolulu Advertiser.): “The next millennium will be the same as this one unless we do things differently!”
*An example is with the pro-life/pro-choice controversy. If both sides could back off a bit and realize that the highest-profile conflict is with late-pregnancy abortions such as the partial-birth abortion procedure, and agree that third-trimester abortions in which the fetus is viable are repugnant (unless to save the woman’s health or life), then we could get on with the education needed to absolutely minimize abortion at all stages. But there’s no widely agreed upon “master plan” for such social issues.
*Another example: How many resources should be allocated to weapons manufacture and sales? Isn’t it way too high at this time?
* Contributors to the website or blog, or to the concept, can assist with means of organizing and prioritizing efforts.
* Like the SBA’s SCORE, establish an organization of qualified volunteers, retired executives or otherwise, to network.
* Develop a network of computer assets in the manner of SETI.