Working to optimize human and planetary conditions

UH Sustainability Summit

The WorldOpt Institute supports advancement of sustainability models and information exchanges.

Providing platforms for leaders in sustainability across Hawaii and abroad.Sharing best practices, networking, and engaging with universities, other institutions and groups. These insightful presentation videos are from the Sustainability in Higher Education SummitUniversity of Hawai’i – East West Center Honolulu, Hawaii, March 10-12, 2016

Speakers and Guests bios

Video presentations by the Hawaii-based multi-media group
Planetviews International


  •  Learning from Hawaii’s rich foundation of indigenous ancestral wisdom
  • Sharing best practices & lessons learned from the field
  • Peer networking & learning
  • Celebrating our successes by acknowledging leadership in sustainability
  • Learning from national & international perspectives and experiences


Day 1, Show 1

00:10 Pu, Kukahili
04:30 Opening Blessing Loko’olu
05:00 E Ho Mai – Prayer
06:23 Michael Bruno
Vice Chancellor Research UH-Manoa
09:50 Matthew Lynch
Office of Sustainability University of Hawaii (UH) Manoa, Introductions and Purposes
34:10 Kamuela Enos
MA’O Farm, Oahu MA’O
Perpetuation of Wellbeing Farming, food, family and community


Day 1, Show 2

Ancestral Knowledge, Contemporary Practice

00:20 Kamuela Enos
MA’O Farm Organic and sustainable food security
01:00 Albie Miles
UH West Oahu Western Science and Indigenous Wisdom Farmers, Consumers & Sustainable Economy Growing a better future
25:55 Kevin Chang   
Kua’Aina Ulu Auamo – KUA Hawaiian roots, Culture and Our Children
37:53 Kamuela Enos
MA’O Farm, Oahu MA’O


Day 1, Show 3

00:20 Matthew Lynch
Office of Sustainability UH Hawaii- Manoa
Creating sustainable systems in higher education,
Networking, Information Sharing, Strategic

8:40 Arnim Wiek
Arizona State University- His
research group develops, tests, and evaluates
transformational solutions to sustainability

Day 1, Show 4

01:00 Patrick Thibaudeau
HGA Architects Sustainable design practice . Inventive, forwarding thinking ideas that shape the future.

23:10 Matthew Lynch
UH Hawaii- Manoa

23:30 Jessica Worchel
Peace Child International World Youth Congress 2017- Honolulu
Education transformation and youth leadership to ensure healthy, thriving, and sustainable communities, locally and globally.

Day 1, Show 5

00:20 Matthew Lynch
UH Manoa

01:52 Victoria Keener, Ph.D.
East West Center
Climate Science and Hawaii
Climate Change in the Pacific Islands Region
Changes in global climate science

Day 2, Video Presentation

Nainoa Thompson, Polynesian Voyaging Society, speaks at Kapiolani Community College- KCC

The Purpose of Education

Voyage of ReDiscovery , Consequences of
Sustainable and Environmental matters

Presented at the Sustainability in Higher
Education Summit

Day 2, Show 1

00:30 Kristen Jamieson
Student Sustainability Coordinator, University of Hawaii Manoa

10:00 Matthew Lynch
System Sustainability Coordinator University of Hawaii – Manoa

10:45 Celeste Connors Hawaii Green Growth Aloha + Challenge

Day 2, Show 2

00:20 Matthew Lynch
University of Hawaii – Manoa

01:00 Amy Shachter
Santa Clara University, Senior Provost

25:00 Tim Botkin
Maui College Sustainable Science

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